mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012

Tunisia – Right to freedom of information for Tunisian Journalists


In Tunisia, the complaint against the aggressions suffered by the media and journalists are multiplying. The complaints come from the National Union of Tunisia Journalists (SNJT), of Reporters sans frontières (RSF) and Centre de Tunis pour la Liberté de la Presse (CTLP).
Link news:

The journalists accuse the government of trying to bring the media under its control. Following the revolution that took place on January 14, 2011, the former propaganda media of the Ben Ali regime were supposed to become independent newspapers and broadcasters. But the government, under the leadership of the conservative Islamic Ennahda party voted into power a year ago, has replaced the heads of the broadcasters and former state-run press organizations in recent months. The new directors, journalists argue, are friendly to the Ennahda party or to the former regime and intervene directly in programs and press coverage. Such intervention is illegal under Tunisia's new press laws, which were drafted shortly after the revolution.
Link news:

“There is no question that we have gained media freedoms in Tunisia. There is a diversity of print, online and broadcast media, both private, community and state-owned. Journalists, activists and citizens are determined to protect this right. That said, instances of censorship are reported and violence against media professionals is intensifying to unprecedented levels. Attacks against journalists are committed by police, Salafist groups and individual citizens.” says Fahem Boukadous, veteran journalist and freedom of expression advocate, as he reflects on the state of Tunisia’s media two years after Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation in the town of Sidi Bouzid in central Tunisia in December 2010.
Link news:

Link Petition:


Object: Right to freedom of information for Tunisian Journalists

Dear President,
I would like to take the opportunity to call your attention to on right to freedom of information for Tunisian Journalists.
The Tunisia must give voice to his people.  The freedom of information is a right. I read about journalists censored and threatened.
I am concerned about the arrest and the hunger strike of TV producer and director of television Ettounsiya Sami Fehri.
I call on the Tunisian government of protect the job of journalists.
A free journalist allows the change and growth of a nation.
In awaiting your reply, be assured of my most respectful sentiments.
(your name)


Salutation: Dear President
His Excellency Moncef Marzouki
President of the Republic
Presidential Palace
Republic of Tunisia

Salutation: Dear Ministry
Portail de la justice en Tunisie

Salutation: Dear Higher Institute of the Judiciary
Institut Supérieur de la Magistrature

The Tunisian Government Portal

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