venerdì 22 novembre 2019

Enough with the deaths of men, women and children at sea. Letter received from Laura Corrado (European Commission - Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs) - 21/11/2019

Dear Ms Ribecco,

Please find attached a letter, from the European Commission, which is addressed to you.

Best regards,

Home Notifications C2

European Commission
Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs
Unit C.2 – Legal Pathways and Integration

Letter text:
Dear Ms Ribecco,  Dear signatories, 
I thank you for your letter of 14 October 2019 regarding the issue of lives lost at sea in the context of migration. 
The EU is fully aware of the challenges that you point out. The European Agenda on Migration1, adopted in May 2015, sets out a comprehensive strategy for EU migration management, combining the external and internal dimension. Overall, our approach focuses on the following pillars: addressing the root causes of migration and reducing the incentives for irregular migration; saving lives and securing external borders; Europe’s duty to protect, and promoting pathways for legal migration. 
A lot has been achieved in these past few years regarding the many challenges related to migration. I invite you to have a look at the latest Progress Report2, published on 16 October 2019, which gives an account of the progress made towards a strong and effective EU migration management policy. The report addresses the points you highlight in your letter. 
Obviously, there is no time for complacency. Our work must continue to address current and future migration challenges in close partnership with all stakeholders concerned. Effective migration management will be a high priority of the incoming Commission.  
Yours sincerely, 


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